Individualism & Integrity

Sophomore Honors English - SHE

Think about...

  • What does it mean to be an individual?

  • How does mob mentality affect us all?

  • How does peer pressure affect me?

  • What is integrity?

  • Do I have it?

  • Is it okay to judge others?

  • How do my choices reflect my character...who I am?

  • What do I value?

  • How do I determine what I value?

  • What is my responsibility to myself? To others? To society?

Pieces of Literature

Individual Integrity - "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson

The Crucible

Speeches & Documents

  • Aphorisms by Benjamin Franklin

  • Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson

  • "Gettysburg Address" by Abraham Lincoln

  • "Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech" by William Faulkner

  • "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • "Inaugural Speech" by John F. Kennedy


"The Devil and Tom Walker" by Washington Irving

"The Raven" & "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Edgar Allan Poe

"The Minister's Black Veil" by Nathaniel Hawthorne

"The Life You Save May Be Your Own" by Flannery O'Connor

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

William Faulkner

MLK, Jr.


Edgar Allan Poe

Nathaniel Hawthorne